WM Themes package

Olivier Fourdan fourdan at xfce.org
Sat Apr 30 22:35:15 CEST 2005


Ideally, this package should go away. That's why it's not updated that
often (but still is somehow)

This said, the usefulness of any theme is still to be demonstrated IMHO.
Themes are useless thus completely essential.


On Sat, 2005-04-30 at 13:52 -0400, Andrew Conkling wrote:
> It's nice to have the WM themes package, but it hasn't been updated in
> a while and some of the themes therein are IMO rather useless.  Could
> there be some updating to them and some minimal criteria?  For
> example, there are a number of good themes posted by users on the
> forum that IMO should be added.  As per criteria, I think the themes
> in that package should at the very least pick up GTK colors.  There
> are some that are usefully hardcoded (Agua comes to mind), but others
> that are quite basic themes that should definitely be flexible in
> color choice.  (Why does Microcurve exist when Smallscreen looks quite
> similar *and* picks up GTK colors?)
> Kind regards,
> Andrew Conkling
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