Programs using X freeze while switching windows

Andrew Conkling andrewski at
Wed Sep 29 22:51:38 CEST 2004

Some time ago (probably on Wed, 29 Sep 2004 21:39:21 +0200)
Olivier Fourdan <fourdan at> had occasion to say the following:

Hi Olivier,
> Either fix xcompmgr or use the xfwm4 included compositor... You  konw,
> if xfwm4 includes its own compositor, it might be such good reasons...

Sorry, but I don't understand your post.  I'm running xcompmgr from CVS
also, so the code is quite up-to-date and I don't know what you mean by
fixing it.

On the other hand... Xfwm is using its own compositor?  (Who knew?)  How
do I get to it?  I don't see any commands to activate it (using today's
CVS), nor have come across any documentation of such a feature.


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