Cannot open firefox from link if it is already running

Marc Schwartz MSchwartz at
Fri Sep 3 15:26:58 CEST 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 22:45, Bob Snyder wrote:
> Marc Schwartz wrote:

> snip

> >
> >Here is one:
> >
> >#!/bin/sh 
> >
> >/usr/include/firefox/firefox -a firefox -remote 'ping()' 
> >if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then 
> >#open a new window 
> >/usr/include/firefox/firefox -a firefox -remote "openurl($1,new-window)"
> >else 
> >#open new instance 
> >/usr/include/firefox/firefox $1 &
> >fi
> >
> >
> >The above had to be changed (lines 1 and 4) in the recent version of
> >Firefox, so be aware of that. The change entails the '-a firefox' part.
> >
> >I use the above in a shell script that I put in ~/bin and then set any
> >HTML related application preferences (including htmlview) and the 'run
> >action' for ROX to that script.
> >
> >If you would prefer to open a new 'tab' instead of a new window, change
> >'new-window' in the above to 'new-tab'.
> >
> >HTH,
> >
> >Marc Schwartz
> >  
> >
> I tried this script and it almost worked! First I had to change the path 
> to firefox (I'm curious why you have it installed in /usr/include).

Because I'm an idiot.  :-)

It should be /usr/lib/firefox...

> When I click a link, the window (or tab) opens, and the page appears 
> normally, but all the links in the page are broken. The URL that is 
> opened is a temp file on the local machine rather than the actual URL 
> (I'm running ff 0.9.3). What am I doing wrong?

Not sure about the problem with the links. I don't have that here.

How did you install Firefox and what distro?

I am running FC2. I initially used an RPM from one of the FC
repositories, but I found that the packager had played around with the
Firefox start up script and that caused some problems.

So I uninstalled the RPM and used the Firefox Linux/XFT installation
tarball. I installed that as root and it works much better.

Not sure if that helps you or not.


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