[Call for help] Let's advertise Xfce project and product!

Gianluca Turconi luctur at comeg.it
Tue Oct 19 10:05:50 CEST 2004


I'm trying to organize a group of people who are willing to collaborate
with the Xfce project by spreading knowledge about its existence.

It should be a structured effort, this is to say we should create a
network of contacts who can work in their regional/state/continental
zone and contact press, both on line and traditional one, newsgroups,
linux distributors and user groups etc.

No technical or developing skills are really needed, though their
presence is not a sin... ;-)

Whoever has always thought: "I'd like to contribute to this project, but
I'm not a geek", s/he has now a chance to raise the hand and answer
to this call.

After we have seen how many people will contribute, we may discuss about
details and plans for action.


Lo zoppo Androclide, spartano, avrebbe risposto a chi gli chiedeva di
quale utilità potesse essere un soldato menomato: "Non fa per voi gente
pronta a fuggire, ma che stia ferma per combattere contro gli
avversari." (tratto da Plutarco, Moralia, 217 C)

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