Could not look up internet address

Dan Gordon dgordon8 at
Sat Nov 27 03:41:22 CET 2004

Sorry but xfce is the only wm giving me this error.
When I start xfce I get the error.
could not look up internet address for iv1 it may be possible to correct 
this by adding iv1 to /etc/hosts
I understand what this means but what am I supposed to put in the hosts 
file ?
I'm looking for the correct syntax.

Dan Gordon
Fri Nov 26 21:34:45 EST 2004
 21:34:45 up 6 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.18, 0.10
<JHM> Somehow I have more respect for 14 year old Debian developers than
     14 year old Certified Microsoft Serfs.

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