OT to Brian regarding bugs (was "[xfce 4.2rc1] two "bugs"")
Andrew Conkling
andrewski at fr.st
Wed Nov 24 20:00:49 CET 2004
Some time ago (probably on Wed, 24 Nov 2004 10:51:46 -0800)
"Brian J. Tarricone" <bjt23 at cornell.edu> had occasion to say the
> yes, please, that's exactly what i'd like to see. personally, i don't
> care if there are a lot of INVALID bugs in bugzilla; overall, it's
> easier to track them there than here.
OK, I'll make a note on the Bugs section of the forum as well.
> note that xfce-bugs only gets emails about bugs that aren't assigned
> to any particular person. for example, if someone files a bug against
> the xfdesktop component, emails go to me and no one else. the stuff
> that goes to xfce-bugs are components that are more general in nature,
> or don't really have a well-defined maintainer. bugzilla does have a
> "watch" feature, so you can get email forwarded to you automatically
> for particular people. of course, there's still the option of adding
> yourself to the CC of a particular bug if you find it interesting.
> also, check out the pre-fab queries i whipped up at
> http://bugzilla.xfce.org/common_queries.cgi
> i've found them pretty useful, and if anyone comes up with some other
> queries they find they're doing often, let me know and i'll add it to
> the page.
Thanks, Brian. I'll check out the watch feature and the queries to see
if I can help keep you devs from dealing with basic bugs.
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