Features wishlist for xfce 4.1

Don Christensen djc at cisco.com
Thu Nov 18 21:03:57 CET 2004

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> On 11/16/04 13:57, Don Christensen wrote:
>>Dredging this up from about five months ago...
>>What is the current status of running multiple instances of Xfce4?  I'm
>>using latest CVS.  Ideally, I could maintain a whole separate set of configs
>>on a per-display basis.  For example, myhost:0.0 and myhost:0.1 would use
>>one config, while myhost:2.0 could use another config.  I would like to have
>>different panel layout, different background, probably even a different 
>>I'm hesitant to just "try it out" because I've been burned by Gnome before
>>where running the second instance hosed my config files.  Is this something
>>that should work across all the apps, some of the apps, or none?
> though i haven't tried it, setting XDG_CONFIG_HOME and XDG_CACHE_HOME to
> something that is not ~/.config/ and ~/.cache/, respectively, should do
> the trick.  emphasis on the "should".
> 	-brian

That seems to be working quite nicely so far (where "so far" means I
have started it in a VNC server and played with it for about 10 minutes).
Time will tell if there are any gotchas with this approach.

As an added little bonus, I never got rid of my .xfce4 directory, so
all of my old config (which is pretty much what I wanted) got converted
into the new XDG directories I created for this instance.  Good job on
the user-conversion support!


Don Christensen       Senior Software Development Engineer
djc at cisco.com         Cisco Systems, Santa Cruz, CA
   "It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now."

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