Xfce4 Exit fails (Debian Sarge)(almost good)

j.markoll at free.fr j.markoll at free.fr
Fri Nov 12 13:12:38 CET 2004

Selon j.markoll at free.fr:

> Selon Piotr Chmura <chmooreck at poczta.onet.pl>:

> > you must change 'user' and 'host' to your user name and 'host' to your
> > host name of course... f.e.:
> > frank slack1 = NOPASSWD: /usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper
> > did you ?

> joyce papillon = NOPASSWD: /usr/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper

> > then this user should be able to turn off, or reboot computer from xfce
> > exit button...
> greetings
> > ChmOOrecK
Console or GUI I can halt or reboot since I added apm in the /etc/modules file,
but only root.
Is it possible to get reboot/or halt as user ? (even if I don't upgrade
instantly to new version ?)Is there still something wrong in my sudoers file ?
Thank you, and best greetings, J.M

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