Minimize Window with Key
Jasper Huijsmans
jasper at
Tue Nov 9 22:04:14 CET 2004
Andrew Conkling wrote:
> Some time ago (probably on Tue, 9 Nov 2004 21:53:22 +0100)
> Stefan Heinemann <stefanheinemann at> had occasion to say the
> following:
>>Is there a possibility to minimize a window
>>of a game like quake3 or armyops in
>>xfce 4.0.6?
>>Maybe something like the key combination
>>windows-d in Windows?
>>It is possible to change to the window mode
>>of the game, but I dont know how I can get the
>>control over xfce....
> Look in the WM preferences; you'll see a keybinding for "Hide Window".
> IIRC, this is in 4.0.6; I know it's in the betas.
No, I'm afraid not. The default key binding for minimization is Alt-F8.
The keytheme is in /usr/share/xfwm4/themes/default.keys/keythemerc.
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