OO 1.1.3 won't load under xfce-4.2 beta

Nikolas Arend Nikolas.Arend at gmx.net
Wed Nov 3 23:05:32 CET 2004

Olivier Fourdan wrote:

>On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 11:37 -0700, Paul Bucalo wrote:
>>On Wed Nov  3 10:59 , Benedikt Meurer <benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de> sent:
>>I think I really need to clarify the startup failure. I haven't been running XFce
>>since this first happened, and that has been a couple of weeks. I neglected to
>>mention (remembered this when I saw the startup fail again) that OO does 'try' to
>>startup before failing. I get the 'window' widget, the border of the app, then
>>get the OO Error Reporting Dialog box. When I look at the error report it wants
>>to 'send home to Mamma', this is what I get:
>That is *exactly* the error I get with the session manager.
I've experienced this, too, but didn't blame it on xfce4-session since I 
never had any problems with
the OO (ver. 1.1.1) that was shipping with FC2. So either they changed 
s.th. in 1.1.3 or RedHat made
respective modifications to their 1.1.1 version of OO.


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