Command won't execute in launcher

brettholcomb at brettholcomb at
Mon May 17 13:43:51 CEST 2004

Yes, I set start in terminal.  Thanks.

> From: purslow at
> Date: 2004/05/17 Mon AM 02:46:52 GMT
> To: xfce at
> Subject: Re: Command won't execute in launcher
> 040516 Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> >  On Sun, 16 May 2004, Christopher wrote:
> >> On Sun, 2004-05-16 at 10:33, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> >>> I have a command
> >>>   xyz arg1 "arg2with spaces"
> >>> Any ideas on how to make this work?
> >> One solution is to just make a wrapper script
> >> and have the launcher execute that.
> > I thought about that but I was wondering if there is another way.
> > I don't remember having to do that before -
> > unfortunately I can't remember what I did in that case!
> IIRC there was a case like this a few months ago
> & OF responded that XFCE launchers don't handle cmds as a terminal does.
> have you tried setting 'start in terminal' ?
> otherwise, it looks as if a script is the approved XFCE method.
> -- 
> ========================,,============================================
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