Tip: Changing wallpaper in xfce4

Jakob Breivik Grimstveit jakob at grimstveit.no
Tue May 4 20:50:42 CEST 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-28 at 04:28, Biju Chacko wrote:

> The first three steps aren't really necessary. You can define an image
> list in xfdesktop and it will randomly choose an image from the list
> when you re-run 'xfdesktop'.

However, there's one thing I would like to be added to the backdrop
functionality - how the image is to be scaled - now it's stretched out
completely, which looks bad from time to time when images aren't
"screen-aspect-adjusted". On should have the possibilities like
"Tiled/Maximized/Streched/Single centered"

Jakob Breivik Grimstveit, http://www.grimstveit.no/jakob, +47 48298152 

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