Of Edges and Apps

Geoffroy Baud geoffroy.baud at wanadoo.fr
Thu Mar 18 08:10:43 CET 2004

Stephen Kuhn wrote:

>On Thu, 2004-03-18 at 15:02, Andy Choens wrote:
>>I have noticed that most of my apps are a little too large in xfce. 
>>When I maximize my apps, most of which are gtk2 apps, they seem to
>>extend a little too far.  I double checked my resolution and everything,
>>and all is fine.  Also, this does not seem to happen in KDE or GNOME
>>(you know, the other 2 DEs). 
>>Has anyone dreamed up a solution?
>Change your resolution to 1600x1200 - NOTHING is ever bigger than that.
>What IS your screen res?
>stephen kuhn - owner
>illawarra computer services
>a kuhn media australia company
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not the same probleme on 1900x1200
with xfce cvs ...
thanks for your great works ...

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