How to start Xfce...
Jack Kern
jack_kern at
Fri Mar 5 15:35:51 CET 2004
Mohindar Rao, Raavi (Broetje) wrote:
> I have installed all the stuff in my home directory, ~/xfce. I have
> found all the binary files in the bin directory. But, I do not know
> how to start the Xfce.
> Can, any body help me how to write the session script to start.
If you want to customize the start-up of XFce, you can make an
executable file, ~/xfce4/xinitrc. On my Debian GNU/Linux unstable
system there is a file, /etc/xfce4/default.session, that could be copied
to ~/xfce4/xinitrc for an example. Edit ~/xfce4/xinitrc for your own
needs. Also take a look /etc/xfce/xinitrc.xfce4-session as another example.
jkern at boat:~$ cat /etc/xfce4/default.session
smproxy &
xfwm4 --daemon
xftaskbar4 &
xfdesktop &
xfce4-iconbox &
xfce4-panel &
jkern at boat:~$
My ~/.xfce4/xinitrc:
jkern at boat:~$ ls -l .xfce4/xinitrc
-rwxr--r-- 1 jkern jkern 640 2004-02-29 20:39 .xfce4/xinitrc
jkern at boat:~$ cat .xfce4/xinitrc
#Wed Feb 25 18:03:31 EST 2004
xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name watch
# Start stuff from ~/Desktop/Autostart directory, if it exists
if [ -d "$HOME/Desktop/Autostart" ]; then
for i in `ls -1 ${HOME}/Desktop/Autostart/ 2>/dev/null`; do
if [ -x $HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i ]; then
$HOME/Desktop/Autostart/$i &
# Setup environment
if [ -f $HOME/.Xresources ]; then
xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xresources
if [ -f $HOME/.bash_profile ]; then
. $HOME/.bash_profile
if [ -f $HOME/.Xmodmap ]; then
xmodmap $HOME/.Xmodmap
# Finally, launch XFce4 using xfce4-session
exec /usr/bin/xfce4-session
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