Xfce and QT Apps..

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Fri Mar 5 10:34:30 CET 2004

Thorsten Grothe wrote:

> I'm using Xfce4 and Suse 8.2 and I would like to know if it's possilble
> to make the start of KDE/QT Apps faster. The first time I start a qt app
> like Knode it takes a long long time until it starts. Gtk apps are much
> much faster! I guess it has something to do with kde-libs which have to
> be loaded at the beginning - right?

qt apps are limited only by the need to load libqt.so (and any 
dependencies).  kde apps are limited by the loading of any kde libs (if 
they aren't in memory already), and usually require things like 
dcopserver (used for inter-process communication), which can take quite 
a while (relatively speaking) to start up.  i suppose you could start 
this at xfce startup (in ~/.xfce4/xinitrc perhaps), and anything else 
that might be needed.  i've never used kde, and i haven't had a need to 
try any of this, so it may not be possible to do this stuff on your own, 
but logic suggests otherwise...

your other option, of course, is to find gtk apps to replace as many 
qt/kde apps as you can.  of course, there will always be that app or two 
that you just can't part with...


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