Another wishlist/buglist -> rox+xfce

Shahar Weiss sweiss4 at
Tue Jun 22 08:01:15 CEST 2004

Andrzej Radecki wrote:

>Wolf Lichtenberger said:
>>>And the featurelist/buglist:
>>>- How to map a "window" key in the keyboard layout definition file? Using
>>>"Mod4" symbol from xkb does not work. Does xfwm use different key names?
>>IMHO it's Super_L
>Well... it is. According to the source code xfwm4 should recognize "super"
>identifier but it doesn't.
>>>- toggle "show desktop" (preserving window states).
>>There's a Panel plugin for just that (showing 2 opposite arrows).
>>>- replace xffm with rox! ;-)
>>see above 8^)
>I haven't noticed any serious glitches in operation of such a combination
>(rox+xfce). Previously mentioned d&d issue is not critical for the whole desktop
>(if it's a rox's issue at all).
>Are there any predefined configurations/patches/resources for rox+xfce?
>Maybe it's a good point to start the integration from.
>>>XFCE is the only usable desktop in the whole Fedora installation so you
>>>can expect more and more feedback. :-)
>>...and it's a good one, constantly improving.
>That's right. And I like this direction. :-)
The only problem with ROX is that it's written in Python.
The only problem with Python is that it's too damn slow, even with Psyco.


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