xfterm4 profile?

Don Christensen djc at cisco.com
Wed Jun 9 18:21:05 CEST 2004

luiX_ wrote:
>    Hi, I have a question about the terminal used on xfce4... I use to 
> work with some aliases such as: ls='ls -la --color' , cp='cp -v' and 
> things like that, for using them in the tty I put them in ~/.profile but 
> how can I do this with xfterm4, I mean how can I make this aliases 
> automatically when I open a xfterm4 terminal?
>    Thanks,
>    Luis,

As some others have said, you can move the aliases to your .bashrc, since
it is not the terminal that manages this (at least not directly), it is the

The terminal does play one small part, though.  It can be told to start
its subprocess (the shell) as a login shell by adding the following to
your .Xdefaults file (or .Xresources):

XTerm*loginShell:               true

You could also set the env var mentioned to include the "-ls" option.

This works for xterm (which I think is what xfterm4 starts by default),
but probably also works for xterm derivatives.  When bash is started
as a login shell, it reads the .profile (or .bash_profile).


Don Christensen       Senior Software Development Engineer
djc at cisco.com         Cisco Systems, Santa Cruz, CA
   "It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now."

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