/etc/X11/xfce4/xinitrc weirdness

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Tue Jun 8 19:00:20 CEST 2004

Alexandre Aractingi wrote:
> Hi Brian, thanks for your answer.
> Le mar 08/06/2004 à 17:20, Brian J. Tarricone a écrit :
>>if the session manager is installed, the ~/Desktop/Autostart/ stuff 
>>won't get launched by the xinitrc script.  howver, xfce4-session should 
>>do this (iirc).  benny might not have added that to the session manager 
>>rewrite, however (and i have no idea what version of the session manager 
>>you're using, since it's not part of any official release).
> I use the binary version that came with my RPM: xfce-session-0.1.4-1mdk

Wow, this is rather old. But anyway it supports Autostart. Are you sure that 
the script you put in the Autostart dir is marked as executable, else the 
session manager will ignore it.


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