/etc/X11/xfce4/xinitrc weirdness

Alexandre Aractingi aaractingi at libertysurf.fr
Tue Jun 8 17:02:28 CEST 2004

Hi all,
I'm running xfce4 under Mandrake 10 (from Eslrahc's RPMS - thanks ! -,
everything is fine.
I just want gkrellm to show up when I start xfce. I saw in
/etc/X11/xfce4/xinitrc that ~/Desktop/Autostart/ was the right place to
put startup scripts, and so I did, but nothing gets executed.
I added some debug info to xinitrc and found out that the script didn't
go further than xfce4-session. The weird thing is that 'ps' shows that
xinitrc is in actually launched by xfce4-session, so I guess there is
something I don't get...
Thanks for any light on this,

Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi at libertysurf.fr>

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