'Cycle through windows' feature request

Vallo Kallaste kalts at estpak.ee
Wed Jul 28 11:48:29 CEST 2004

On Fri, Jul 23, 2004 at 01:38:32PM +0200, Nikolas Arend
<Nikolas.Arend at gmx.net> wrote:

> It would be great, if there was an option to only cycle through those
> windows on the desktop, that are currently not minimised. Now if you 
> start cycling using Alt-Tab, all windows get included in the cycle, even 
> those that were/are minimised.
> When I minimise a window, then because I don't want to see it at the
> moment. Other users maybe like the current behaviour, so it should be
> optional.

I'll second this request. Windows are minimized to get them out of
the way. Alt-Tab should not step over them, IMO.
Vallo Kallaste

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