Using extra keys in CVS?
linuce at
Tue Jul 27 17:35:39 CEST 2004
Andrew Conkling wrote:
> (...)
> Is it possible to use multimedia keys in Xfwm?
If you look at the default XFCE keythemerc, you see that there is 10
"all purpose" shortcuts (shortcut_*_key). If you have correct bindings
in your ~/.Xmodmap (each multimedia keysym associated with its
corresponding keycode), you can directly put the multimedia keysym in
the shortcut_*_key. For example, for my mail multidmedia key, in my
.Xmodmap, I have :
keycode 236 = XF86Mail
Note that 236 is the keycode for my mail multimedia key as xev
reported it, and XF86Mail is a predefined keysym to be binded to a
keycode (see below). Then in my custom keythemerc (I copied and edited
the default one in ~/.themes/xfwm4/linuce.keys/keythemerc), I have the
following shortcut :
shortcut_1_exec=mozilla -mail
In /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XKeysymDB, you will find predefined multimedia
keys keysyms : you just have to bind them to the approriate multimedia
keys keycodes - at least if xev reports that your multimedia keys are
not already binded to keysyms : it displays "0 NoSymbol" for the
keycode/keysym pair.
Note that you DO NOT have to edit your XKeysymDB to add multimedia
keysyms : this is a system file that can be overwritten when you update
your distribution packages. Use predefined multimedia keys keysyms :
they start with 1008FF01 (XF86ModeLock) and you will surely find all
multimedia key in existence (XF86AudioLowerVolume, XF86Standby,
XF86AudioLowerVolume, XF86AudioMute, XF86AudioRaiseVolume,
XF86AudioPlay, XF86AudioStop, XF86AudioPrev, XF86AudioNext,
XF86HomePage, XF86Mail, XF86Search, ... and many many more).
However, with XFCE4 (in fact this is a XFWM4 limitation), you can
"only" define 10 shortcuts, so if you have more than 10 multimedia keys,
you should use the xbindkeys program :
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