xfce4-panel and enlightenment

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Sat Jul 24 23:24:22 CEST 2004

Michael Steinhauser wrote:

> Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
>> looking over the BT again... what version of libxfcegui4 are you 
>> using?  the line numbers don't seem to match up for me (i.e., #1, 
>> line 894 is not in netk_pager_expose_event() for me).
>> annnnyway, it's pretty obvious where it's crashing in libxfcegui4 
>> (dereferencing a null pointer), so i committed a patch.  i wouldn't 
>> be surprised if there are other problems, however.
>>    -brian
> Hi,
> firtst, i use libxfcegui4 4.0.6 -2suse91 from the apt-version at 
> ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/apt/SuSE/9.1-i386/RPMS.suser-ollakka/
> I solved the problem now by deleting directory .enlightenment. After 
> restarting enligthenment, the panel worked again.
> It seems to be a problem between the desktopsettings in enlightenment 
> and xfce4-panel.
> In enlightenment i use 1 Desktop and 4 virtuell Desktops. First time I 
> startet xfce4-panel it worked. After reducing the Desktop in xfce4 to 
> one, setting the panel to autohide and giving it a iconbox-border (in 
> enlightenment), it crashed after the next restart of X.
> I was working for one day with xfce4 and got the idea of deleting 
> .englightenment. After restarting englightenment the four 
> desktop-picons of xfce4-panel reduced to one after callling the 
> panel-settings and desktop nr. 4 was highlighted. I removed the 
> desktop-icon from panel and now panel and enlightenment working 
> perfect, after one reboot and several "startx".
> Thank you for your help and ask, if you want some more information.

the problem, as i said before, is that E16 doesn't create and advertise 
virtual desktops according to current standards for doing so.  you can 
use the xfce4 panel, but the only way to guarantee you're not going to 
have problems is to not use the desktop pageer/switcher plugin.  there 
really isn't all that much we can do with it.


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