[RESOLVED] Re: lamer i18n question
Botykai Zsolt
zsolt.botykai at online.hu
Wed Jul 21 14:23:30 CEST 2004
>>>>>just forget how-to set xfce4 to "talk" to me in hungarian. I found the
>>>>>hungerian "menu", and "xfce4rc" in /etc... but as I remember back the
>>>>>old Suse days (now gentoo really rocksssss), it used te be working in
>>>>>hungarian (I mean the messages in the settings window, the menu in xffm,
>>>>>etc...). What should I do to make it happen?
>>>>set the LANG environment variable to hu_HU before running the apps (best
>>>>is to set it system wide for your user)
>>>well it's really odd, 'cause as I see:
>>>10:58:11 bzs ~ # echo $LANG
>>>11:12:43 bzs ~ # xffm
>>>and there are the same english menus...
>>hmm i would say the translations doesn't exist for the menus, which
>>version do you use ? and give me an example of an english menu entry,
>>i'll take a look.
> Sorry about this late answer. I had to leave 'cause of some work issues.
> All the menus are in English, I mean, this is the file menu:
> File/
> Reload
> Open
> Book
> ...
> Printer cconfiguration
> And every other menu is english. I'm having a Gentoo box, with KDE,
> xorg-x11 and 2.6.7 kernel installed.
well, well. it's resolved.
don't know the cause of the problem, but as I swithed to gdm from kdm
and set the language to "hungarian" on the gdm login screen, everything
talked to me in hungarian.
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