Small panel feature request

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Wed Jul 21 08:30:15 CEST 2004

Jasper Huijsmans wrote:

> Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> ...
>>>   - Currently, the menu pops up over the panel and mostly to the right
>>>     of the menu button.  I think it would look better if it worked more
>>>     like the launcher menu where it pops up centered over the button
>>>     and with the bottom of the menu touching the top of the panel (this
>>>     is, of course, based on having the panel at the bottom of the 
>>> screen).
>> i'm not sure that this is worth the trouble.  it's just a normal gtk 
>> menu (unlike the panel launcher drawers), and i'm just calling 
>> gtk_menu_popup(), which, unless you do some menu width and cursor 
>> position calculation, just pops up the menu with the top left corner 
>> at the mouse position (or top right, if the click is close to the 
>> right screen edge).
> This is actually something I'd like to see. One day I'll write it 
> myself. Shouldn't be too hard to write a positioning function for the 
> menu to make it act like a 'real' menu button.

i kinda like it how it is, actually.  to me, a menu is _supposed_ to pop 
up at the mouse position.  then again, i guess i think if it as the 
right-click menu, which isn't the case here.  i guess what would make 
sense is to model it after a real menu bar, so you align the top-left 
corner of the menu with the bottom-left corner of the button.  of 
course, this begs the question of what you do when the panel is on the 
bottom of the screen.  or when the button is on the right side of the 
screen such that positioning in that manner puts part of the menu 
off-screen.  i suppose normal menu behaviour works there as well, but it 
sounds like too much trouble for me to want to do it.  jasper, if you 
want to at some point, feel free.


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