launcher only icons

Tim Holmes tcholmes at
Mon Jul 19 21:57:08 CEST 2004

Sorry for not being clear.  Andrew, you got my meaning right.  No text 
on popups as an option.  (For what it's worth!).   ;)


Andrew Conkling wrote:
>>From: andy <tireseas at>
>>Date: 2004/07/19 Mon PM 02:44:41 EDT
>>To: XFCE general discussion list <xfce at>
>>Subject: Re: launcher only icons
>>>Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
>>>>Tim Holmes wrote:
>>>>>The panel is or can be set up to have only icons for the lauchers.  
>>>>>Can the popup menus also be set to behave this way?
>>>>>I would like to also have only icons on the popup part of the menu, 
>>>>>including the "+" at the top of the popup.
>>>>>Sorry if this is an obvious question.
>>>>I'm afraid that is not possible. I don't really see the advantage 
>>>>either, actually. Why do you want that?
>>>>    Jasper
>>Being of a recent conversion to Xfce-4 from the 3.8 series, I think you 
>>may be right. I don't know if this is what you mean, but a picture such as:
>>	   _________
>>	  |   /\   |
>>	  |  /  \  |	popup menu
>>	  |   ||   |
>>	--------------------------------------\
>>	 ____/\____	menu launcher	      /
>>	 |	  |			      \
>>	 |	  |			      /
>>	 |	  |	icon		      \	panel
>>	 |________|			      /
>>					      \
>>	--------------------------------------/
>>Is what came to mind when I read your post.
>>This would be different from the menu launcher being next to an upwards 
>>arrow, which saves space on the panel either for more launchers (like 
>>the Gnome desktop file drawer thingy) or for the minimalist look.
>>Actually, here's a pic of my old desktop under Xfce-3.8.18. I had the 
>>panel at the top for a while, but it got a little frustrating up there 
>>for me ergonomically so I relocated it to the bottom of the screen. But 
>>anyway, the point is the menu launchers _above_ the icon which doesn't 
>>take up as much room. This is what I was trying to get at in the pic above:
> Have you taken a look at the Panel settings?  You can adjust the "Popup Position" property for where you want the arrows to be placed.
> And, for what it's worth, I think Tim is asking about *removing the text* from any launchers in a popup menu, not about the arrows at all.  I think.
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