Having trouble understanding how to start xfce4

Steve Cooke stephen.cooke at dpiwe.tas.gov.au
Mon Jul 19 04:51:16 CEST 2004

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:
> the startxfce4 script is in the xfce-utils module.  note that by 
> default, the startup scripts try to load xfwm4 and xfdesktop as well, so 
> unless you install those, 'startxfce4' will give you no backdrop and no 
> window manager.
>    -brian

Well, that worked! Thanks Brian. And sorry for my crappy spelling.

I have a supplementary question: how do I create themes. I like the tux 
window decorations but I'd like to replace the penguin with an icon of 
my own. Is this a common thing - creating/altering themes?

Steve Cooke.

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