GDM and ssh-agent

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Sat Jul 10 21:10:01 CEST 2004

Hello Brian,

* Brian J. Tarricone <bjt23 at> [10-07-04 14:21]:
> first, an admonition from someone that works on security software: your 
> ssh privkey should be protected by a pass*phrase*, not a pass*word*.  
> for best security, you should be using a passphrase of several words - 
> in my opinion,  five words at bare minimum.  you should _not_ be using 
> the same thing as your unix system password.  there are plenty of 
> methods for generating a 'random' passphrase floating around on the net, 
> something called 'diceware' i think is the best.

Yes here are u right, but my password is relativly long. :-)

> having said that, no, there is no way to do what you're looking for.  
> ssh-add will not look at PAM or GDM for your password, and i doubt they 
> ever will, in part because of the reasoning i outlined above.

Hm, you are right, maybe it is the best to insert every time the


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