ppp dial-up gui

Claudio J. Peña claudio_j at fullzero.com.ar
Wed Jan 28 02:44:17 CET 2004


On 26 Jan 2004 16:04:15 +0400, Sergey Manucharyan wrote:
> Also I'd like to mention (not with respect to xffm) the lack of some
> ppp (dial-up) gui plugin or module. Now I use kppp - but don't like it
> at least
> from the philosophical point of view.  :)

	I use GKdial (http://gkdial.sourceforge.net) a GTK-based dialer. It's
very simple and I think it's a good companion of the entire Xfce



Claudio J. Peña
claudio_j at fullzero.com.ar

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