User Management app

Arnd Zapletal a_zapletal at
Mon Jan 12 14:50:06 CET 2004

On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 12:39:50 +0200
Adrian Pirciu <adrian.pirciu at> wrote:

> another one ? what the heck is so hard in addind/deleting users ?
> I'm tired of nice graphical applications for such a simple thing like 
> this.

hey, that's not fair. Of course it's questionable whether such a frontend 
is nec. But that's not the point. If Chris does want to do -whatever-thing, that's ok. The best way to start and learn is to code (& to read code). 
Something harder/more relevant will come later then.

And that some kind of feedback is necessary therefore - lies in human nature.

Chris, keep on keepin' on,


> your wheel will be bigger ? better ? like everybody else's ?
apropos: you combine xfce with kmail, nice oxymoron, indeed.

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