icons in panel are gone and can't set them back

Nicolas Mommaerts nico at beatz.no-ip.org
Thu Feb 19 21:46:04 CET 2004

I was messing a bit around in my settings and I changed the icon theme
of the panel. It was set on Gnome, when I switched it all my icon's (the
ones at the root of the menu's at least) were replaced by the icon's of
that theme (those ugly flowers). But I had custom icons for every menu,
and now I even can't set them back to custom icons. I go the properties
for the menu, put icon to Other Icon, the correct path of my previous
icon is still in it, but it doesn't change. I tried putting it to one of
the default icons included, and then back to a custom icon but it won't
change anymore.

Ok I found a way while writing this mail :) I had to change to a stock
icon, then again choose Other icon, and although the path was already
filled in, I had to manually go the icon again and select it. It would
be nice if there was a refresh button or something beside the folder
selector on the icon properties dialog.

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