Where is Autostart (CVS)?
Zaphod Beeblebrox
zappi at herz--aus--gold.de
Thu Feb 12 23:12:14 CET 2004
I hope that anyone can help me.
I installed yesterday from CVS and enjoy the changes, like the Session
Manager, Window stay on Top, and all the little things.
But, what happend to the Autostart Directory, the Scripts I'd placed in
it, won't start anymore.
Ok, the Apps, that I want to start, they are remembered by the Session
But I also use a couple of Scripts, they do not remembered by the
Session Manager.
An other story:
I placed a Script in my /usr/bin, that start my Aterm in a numerical
order 4.0.3 displayed it in the Window border, CVS only what I'd placed
in my ~/.bashrc.
In case I did something wrong, here is the Script:
> cat
ps=`ps aux | grep Hackbox | awk '{print $14}' | \ sort -g | tail -n1`
NR=`expr $ps "+" 1`
aterm -name Hackbox" $NR" -tr -trsb -sh 75 \
-fg white -bg black
Hereis my ~/.bashrc
> cat
export PS1="\[\e]2;\u@\H \w\a\e[32;1m\]>\[\e[0m\] "
So, thats all folks.
I don't know if I'd found a Bug or something else.
If anyone got an answer to my Question, this will be great.
With best wishes
Michael Edwards.
P.S.: Anyone knows, where the Xfce4 Appfinder is, on the latest
Developer Screenshot?
It looks great.
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