wasp/B5 screenshot

Jaap Karssenberg j.g.karssenberg at student.utwente.nl
Thu Dec 23 16:25:38 CET 2004

Romeu Fonseca
wrote on Thu, 23 Dec 2004 12:25:41 -0200:
> Jaap, I'm using the composite extension with a Duron 800 and it  is
> working pretty fine (besides some minor glitches). Do you have a
> nvidia video card?? If so, have you checked your xorg.conf for an
> entry like: Option "RenderAccel" "true" ?

Yes I have set RenderAccel ... maybe the problem is that I have a second
(much older) video card in xinerama mode with the nvidia card. Ah well,
I love xinerama more than composite, although composite looks really
good ! My neighbour thought for a second that I was booting OS X when I
gave the xfce with composite demo :)

   )   (     Jaap Karssenberg || Pardus [Larus]                | |0| |
   :   :     http://pardus-larus.student.utwente.nl/~pardus    | | |0|
 )  \ /  (                                                     |0|0|0|
 ",.*'*.,"   Proud owner of "Perl6 Essentials" 1st edition :)  wannabe

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