Where is "balou", "mice" and "simple" splash screens?

Xan DXpublica at telefonica.net
Sat Dec 11 16:10:52 CET 2004

Divendres 10 Desembre 2004 19:11, en/na Sami Samhuri (<Sami Samhuri 
<sami at no-eff-eks.com>>) va escriure:
>>Re: Where is "balou", "mice" and "simple" splash screens?
> * On Fri Dec-10-2004 at 02:09:34 PM +0100, Xan said:
> > I want to make a fussion between "mice" splashscreen and "simple"
> > splashscreen, but I can't  find them. Can you say me the whole location?.
> >
> > Is there a hotwo for splashscreens?
> $prefix/share/themes is the location you need.
> sjs at diavolo ~ % locate balou|grep -v sjs
> /usr/local/lib/xfce4/splash/engines/libbalou.a
> /usr/local/lib/xfce4/splash/engines/libbalou.la
> /usr/local/lib/xfce4/splash/engines/libbalou.so
> /usr/local/share/themes/Default/balou
> /usr/local/share/themes/Default/balou/themerc
> /usr/local/share/themes/Default/balou/logo.png
> /usr/local/libexec/balou-export-theme
> /usr/local/libexec/balou-install-theme

Thanks. You know where are the other themes?, and more important, how can I 
edit the splashscreens?


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