xfce application for mobile phones (Nokia 6210)

Nikola Pizurica pizurica at neobee.net
Fri Dec 10 22:37:18 CET 2004

> >>>I'm wondering if there is any application (ideally xfce plugin/app)
> >>>which would communicate with mobile phone (nokia 6210) and would be able
> >>>to read/write sms from/to mobile, editing calendar (in mobile), setting
> >>>ToDo list and so on .... so I don't have to type it directly thru mobile
> >>>keys.
> >>>

You can try Gnocky.It's front end for gnokii. I've used it with my 6210
and now with 6310. Unfortunately, it only supports reading/writing of
sms, editing of phone book and logos. Also it gives you info about your
phone (IMEI code, software rev., batery and RF level info).
I've searched for anything better, but no luck.
BTW, excelent phone choice, 6210 is awesome phone :-) 
Nokia rulez :-)


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