How do I prevent the taskbar from loading?

Bob Snyder bob.snyder at
Mon Dec 6 00:08:30 CET 2004

Harold Crouch wrote:

>Harold Crouch wrote:
>>>How do I prevent xftaskbar4 from loading in xfce-4.2?
>>>I went into /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc and deleted the line that read
>>>xftaskbar4&, but the taskbar still loads at startup.
>Stephen Kúhn wrote: 
>>Because possibly the session manager is remembering it running?
>>I just did a killall -9 xftaskbar4, then logged out and then back in
>>again - gone. (A workaround...)
>My configuration is to *not* automatically save session on logout.  
>I did the "killall -9 xftaskbar4," log out and log back in, and the
>taskbar still loads. ?!?!?!
>If I was a little smarter, I might know the correct command to use
>grep to search through the files in certain directories for the
>"xftaskbar4" string.  :-(

Try killing xftaskbar4 as you did, then *save* the session on logout

Bob S.

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