4.2 Scroll/Focus Behavior

Mike Lundy novas007 at gmx.net
Fri Dec 3 23:28:05 CET 2004

Just upgraded from 4.0.6 to -rc2. I'm very pleased. Quite pretty, and 
with the addition of terminal, it breaks my dependence on konsole :) 

However, there is one thing I liked about 4.0.6 that doesn't work the 
same in -rc2. In 4.0.6, I could scroll a window with the scroll wheel 
without focusing or raising it, which is great for documentation & code 
side-by-side. Basically, I'd guess that scroll-wheel movements now 
count as "clicks" for the purposes of raising windows, whereas they 
didn't before. Is there any way to do that in 4.2? I could fake it by 
making it so clicking in the window doesn't raise it, but I'd prefer to 
keep that.

Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work!

All bad precedents began as justifiable measures.
    -Julius Caesar
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