Xffm - bugs or features?
edscott wilson garcia
edscott at xfce.org
Thu Dec 2 19:13:06 CET 2004
El jue, 02-12-2004 a las 00:47, Ken McLennan escribió:
> G'day there Scott,
> > Also - turning on hidden files works fine (xffm refreshes properly and
> > hidden files are shown) but turning off hidden files doesn't seem to
> > take place when xffm refreshes. Only a restart hides hidden files again.
> Mine doesn't. Viewing & hiding hidden files works fine. There's a
> momentary lapse of a second or so (guestimation only) when hiding hidden
> files after viewing, but that's all. They just disappear as expected.
Seems that the bug is only from the main menu, not the popup menu ,but
it's now fixed in CVS).
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