KDE Menu in xfce

Praveen Vikram jedi_praveen at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 23 16:31:57 CEST 2004

I was modifying menu.xml to have applications I
commonly use, and while reading the instructions I
found out that you can include xml files in the header
with an entity name and where ever in menu.xml you
give &entityname the included file contents is put
over there.

And along with the instructions it was also given that
you can write a script to put the kde menu in a xml
file and include it.
I have no clue how to do it. 

On searching google I came upon this link:
which has a perl link to put the kde menu in an xml
But the script does't seem to work with kde 3.2 and is

Has some one written a similar script or know where to
get one or atleast how to modify the above script to
work with kde 3.2?

I have slackware 10 and installed kde during

Praveen Vikram

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