Switching from KDE

purslow at sympatico.ca purslow at sympatico.ca
Fri Aug 20 18:34:47 CEST 2004

040820 Bernhard Walle wrote:
> * Dan Gordon <dgordon8 at cogeco.ca> [2004-08-20 13:49]:
>> On Friday 20 August 2004 06:50 am, purslow at sympatico.ca wrote:
>>> it helps a bit to have  ~/.xfce4/xinitrc  load the KDE libs when you
>>> start & close the KDE side of things down again when you exit XFCE.
>> I wb interested in knowing how to load the kde libs when i start xfce.
> I simply run startkde in my ~/.xinitrc.

doesn't that simply start KDE ?  i just tried it while running Xfce
& it closed all my running KDE apps & added the KDE Kicker,
while leaving my Xfce panel still functioning, a v strange feeling (smile)!

anyway, what i do is


  # PP 040801 : via XFCE bug 180 :  4  seconds
  #( sleep 4 ; kdeinit ) &

  # PP 040505 : via XFCE-user
  ( i=0 ; while test $[ `/sbin/pidof -s xfce4-panel` ] -eq "0" ; do sleep 1 ; i=$(( $i + 1 )); done ; kdeinit ) &

  panel=`which xfce4-panel`
  xsetroot -solid black -cursor_name watch

  # PP 040506 : via XFCE-user
  artsshell -q terminate

i'm using the long line, which checks the panel has actually started
before starting Kdeinit: otherwise, the panel mb deformed.
if that doesn't work, you can use the preceding  2  lines (PP 040801).

i've suggested before that these lines sb included in the dft  xinitrc .

also, IIRC the init lines above are based on a suggestion by BW (above).

SUPPORT     ___________//___,  Philip Webb : purslow at chass.utoronto.ca
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto

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