Splash Themes
Benedikt Meurer
benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Thu Aug 5 10:48:32 CEST 2004
Max Vasin wrote:
> Hello!
Hello Max,
> I'm using XFCE4 for about half a year, and it is great!
> Now I'm using XFCE from CVS. I've downloaded a splash theme -
> how should I install it? I've found balou-install-theme command, but
> which directory I must install theme into?
You can install balou themes using drag and drop: Just open a file manager
(e.g. rox) and drag the downloaded .tar.gz (note, that only a few splash
themes work with the balou engine for now) to the 'Configure Balou...' dialog.
It'll install the theme automatically. If you want to create your own balou
theme, you can have a look at the default one in
xfce4-session/engines/balou/themes/Default for an example. So, lets say you
have created a themerc and a logo.png for your own theme, then you need to
create a directory hierarchy likes this:
Now tar up the stuff:
tar czf MyTheme.tar.gz MyTheme
And install the .tar.gz as described above.
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