Panel/taskbar cooperation in CVS

Andrew Conkling andrewski at
Sun Aug 1 21:39:53 CEST 2004

Some time ago (probably on Tue, 27 Jul 2004 19:22:30 +0200)
Andre Lerche <a.lerche at> had the occasion to say the following:

> >My suggestion: have the ability for the system tray to move inwards (align right, as it were) and for the taskbar plugin to "fill up the remaining width/height of the screen"; each time I add/remove launchers or plugins or load icons into the system tray, I need to adjust the panel again.
> The taskbar plugin from CVS has exactly your requested feature. It will 
> be part of the next official release when
> I've finished the Xinerama stuff.

I can't seem to find the source code for this in CVS; can you point me to it so I can make a Gentoo ebuild for it?


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