Desktop doesn't load properly!!

Felipe Lopes wiseguy at
Tue Apr 27 13:57:39 CEST 2004

I'm a noob on linux...Tried to leave xfce with ctrl+alt+backspace but it 
just get me to the xdm box again... 

Anyway, I tried startxfce4 and it returned me that the command is unknown, 
invalid or something like this... 

I'm assuming that is problem is from xdm config....Somehow it is not loading 
what it should, but have no clue what to do :( 

>Hi Felipe, 
>I've never used debian, but I think you should look in the scripts: 
>whether there is a command launching startxfce4, 
>or just run startxfce4 instead of startx to be sure that xfce itself 
>works properly. 
>Xfce mailing list 
>Xfce at 

Felipe Lopes. 

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