multiple batteries in BatteryMonitor

Dan Gordon dgordon8 at
Sat Apr 17 00:03:48 CEST 2004

On Friday 16 April 2004 04:22 pm, Nikola Pizurica wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-04-16 at 10:13 -0500, edscott wilson garcia wrote:
> > It is possible. The easiest fix is to switch the order in which
> > batteries are registered, that way you will see the level of the 1st
> > battery, which drains last. Unfortunately, no one in the development
> > team has a dual battery laptop to test that. So if you want to
> > contribute, this is a good spot.
> And one question about multiple cpus. Is there any chance for system
> load plug-in to display info for 2 cpus? I'm running smp kernel on my
> dual celerons and would like to see 2 bars, not just one. In curent
> plug-in, does it display total load info, or load for just one cpu?
I don't know if the plug-in will do this but gkrellm will.

Dan Gordon
Fri Apr 16 18:01:55 EDT 2004
 18:01:55 up 15:52,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
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is never apparent to their wives until after breakfast.
		-- Helen Rowland

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