How do you specify astgarting point on the screen for new windows?

Peter N. Spotts pspotts at
Mon Apr 5 15:14:46 CEST 2004

On Mon,  5 Apr 2004 12:00:09 +0000 (GMT)
Olivier Fourad wrote:

> And if you use the "geometry" option that most X app provide, something
> like
> my_app -geometry wxh+x+y
> then you *are* requesting a position, so the margins don't count.

Thanks folks...

Does this imply that I should note whether the starting point is consistent across apps? And if not, perhaps I should note which apps fail to keep to the margins and check their apprc files for individual specifications of starting position?



                      Peter N. Spotts
    Science correspondent | The Christian Science Monitor
            One Norway Street, Boston  MA  02115
     Office: 617-450-2449 | Office in Home: 508-520-3139
pspotts at | |

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