xfce version 3 vs. 4 : missing features?

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at moongroup.com
Tue Sep 30 20:03:08 CEST 2003

Ok, this is the only mail I'm going to send as reply to this post and
similar comments. It's not to you personally, but to all posters who
were implying any kind of ill will on our part.

Op zo 28-09-2003, om 23:30 schreef Rich Shepard:
>   My point is that some of us don't understand why the "old", "classic"
> (gag!) or whatever you call it way of doing things cannot be retained in a
> new version. Olivier and the other developers are extremely clever coders
> and I'm sure it would not cost too many more bytes to offer us these
> options.

Well, you're wrong, and I find it rather presumptuous to imply that it
would be easy for us to give all of you what you want. We have limited
time and limited resources and we try to spend them as effictively as
possible. Flexibility and features take a lot of time to write and a lot
more to maintain. Already parts of our modules are less well maintained
because of this. 

We are just trying to do what's best for the project to keep it
extendible and maintainable. We make mistakes, we try to correct them.
We try to listen to arguments for or against features and then decide to
implement them or not, or something similar.

Naturally, we will sooner implement something that we want to use
ourselves or features that we like ourselves. But we do try to make xfce
an environment that is easy to work with for everyone.

We welcome all suggestions and bug reports, but please try to keep the
tone of the messages possitive and please don't imply that our choices
force anything on you. 

Thank you,


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