Window focus problem with WINE and Alt-Tab in XFCE 4.0

John Pettigrew john at
Tue Sep 30 18:36:36 CEST 2003

In a previous message, Eric Pell <EPell at> wrote:

> When running Windows applications through WINE while using XFCE the window
> does not focus correctly when switching applications via ALT-TAB.

I've reported a similar issue before with focus not returning properly after
opening dialog boxes in wine apps. It's actually not just xfwm4 that's an
issue - metacity (the Gnome2 WM) doesn't deal properly with focus either.

The opinion here was that it's not xfwm's fault. I've raised it with
codeweavers, who do a lot of wine work (including crossover office, which I
use). They say that wine is very sensitive to the order that things happen
(otherwise nasty things can happen) but are looking into it. If there is a
problem with xfwm and the standards, I assume that the devs will try and deal
with it. If it's a wine problem, I suspect that CW will try to do something
about it but it will probably take longer  :-(

John Pettigrew                         Headstrong Games
john at            Fun : Strategy : Price     Board games that won't break the bank
Knossos: escape the ever-changing labyrinth before the Minotaur catches you! 

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