Odd mailing-list setting

John Pettigrew john at pettigrew.org.uk
Tue Sep 30 11:00:01 CEST 2003

In a previous message, Chuck Mead <csm at lunar-linux.org> wrote:

> John Pettigrew wrote: 
> > This mailing list appears to change the Content-Type headers of emails.
> Are you sending html based email? The list changes it to text.

Nope, it's a plain text email with a GPG signature attachment. My MUA
correctly types this as multipart/signed, but the list munges this to
multipart/mixed for some strange reason!

I could understand if the list simply stripped all attachments (slight
overkill but reasonable) but changing the Content-Type without changing the
actual content will almost always break things.

John Pettigrew                         Headstrong Games
john at headstrong-games.co.uk            Fun : Strategy : Price
http://www.headstrong-games.co.uk/     Board games that won't break the bank
Knossos: escape the ever-changing labyrinth before the Minotaur catches you! 

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