xfce 4.0.0: xterm/xfterm4 and QT (licq)

Andreas Ntaflos ant at overclockers.at
Mon Sep 29 13:53:33 CEST 2003

On Mon, Sep 29, 2003 at 11:11:45AM +0530, Biju Chacko wrote:
> On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 00:17:08 +0200, Andreas Ntaflos wrote:
> >    xfterm4:
> >    I understand that this is a shell script used to decide which kind of
> >    terminal will be opened upon execution (based on $TERMCAP and what
> >    other terminals are installed on the system). Now I like to use the
> >    standard xterm and have my $TERMCAP set to it. And indeed xfterm4 
> >    does start up an xterm as it should. The Problem: it seems to
> >    completely ignore anything I set up in my ~/.Xdefaults file (like
> >    faceName, fontSize, saveLines, etc) and even when starting an xterm
> >    from an xterm it ignores all my carefully crafted ( :-) )settings and
> >    preferences. 
> It depends on $TERMCMD not $TERMCAP.

Sorry, my bad, made that typo only while writing this. It's of course

> Recent versions of RH don't seem to source .Xdefaults properly. Add the
> following line to .xfce4/xinitrc:
> xrdb ~/.Xdefaults
Well now that seems to do it! Thanks really very much :) Do you happen
to know why RH and now xfce4 ignore .Xdefaults?

Interestingly that took care also of my other mentioned problem, the
uber-large fonts in licq...I am astonished :)

Thanks a lot man!
	Andreas "ant" Ntaflos | "A cynic is a man who knows the price of
	ant at overclockers.at   | everything, and the value of nothing."
	Vienna, AUSTRIA	      |                              Oscar Wilde

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