xfwm4 final and too many workspaces

John Pettigrew john at pettigrew.org.uk
Mon Sep 29 11:36:59 CEST 2003

In a previous message, Jasper Huijsmans <jasper at moongroup.com> wrote:

> Op vr 26-09-2003, om 22:49 schreef Brandon Wittenburg:
> > On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 14:49, John Pettigrew wrote:
> > > I've just upgraded to xfwm4 final, and I find that instead of the 2
> > > workspaces I have configured, I've now got 4!

> > XFCE Settings Manager --> Desktop:Workspaces
> Strangely enough, you have to be running xfdesktop for this to work.


> I think you can change it in ~/.xfce4/xfwm4rc if you are running xfwm4
> stand-alone, but I don't know the exact name of the option.

I don't have that file here, but I've changed a line in
~/.xfce4/settings/workspaces.xml as follows:

	<option name="count" type="int" value="2"/>
	<option name="names" type="string" value="1;2"/>

But I still have 4 workspaces.

Any ideas? This is really annoying me  :-(

John Pettigrew                         Headstrong Games
john at headstrong-games.co.uk            Fun : Strategy : Price
http://www.headstrong-games.co.uk/     Board games that won't break the bank
Fields of Valour: 2 Norse clans battle on one of 3 different boards

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