xfwm4 Dependency Problem...

Stephen Kuhn skuhn at telpacific.com.au
Sat Sep 27 08:38:33 CEST 2003

On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 13:59, Biju Chacko wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Sep 2003 18:01:26 -0700, stuartr at cox.net wrote:
> >  rpm also reports that about 10 other programs are using the xpm package, so 
> >  other things are finding it.  As far as I can tell there are no other xpm 
> >  packages that I can install (ie xpm-devel... or xpm2.0 or anything)
> libxpm is part of X11. Check if there is an XFree86-devel package which you can
> install. Alternatively wait till Monday or Tuesday for Todd to make Mandrake
> rpms which you can use.
> -- b

Ah, he moves like a herd of turtles on a plain of peanut butter...Monday
or Tuesday's fairly optimistic....

stephen kuhn - owner
illawarra computer services
a kuhn media australia company
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"We're running out of adjectives to describe our situation. We had
crisis, then we went into chaos, and now what do we call this?" said
Nicaraguan economist Francisco Mayorga, who holds a doctorate from Yale.
-- The Washington Post, February, 1988 The New Yorker's comment: At
Harvard they'd call it a noun.

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